Saturday, May 22, 2010

Playing Dress-up

I have had the goal to fit into my wedding dress again.  I felt like I was pretty close so I decided to take it out and try it on again, hoping I would be able to zip it up.

I put it on this morning and it looked better today (without a girdle) than it did on my wedding day (with a girdle!)  I was pretty excited about that so I took some pictures and decided to post them.

I have also wanted to have each post be positive and something significant.  I haven't felt like I had much to offer lately because I have been struggling with the new season and schedule change.  I have learned so much about nutrition and pushing myself in a true workout.  With school ending and seasons changing I have found that I need to reevaluate.  I have a new season in which to evaluate my new life and to really focus on my goals and my plans.

I will continue to post as I figure these things out for myself.  How do your workout schedules change during the summertime? 


  1. oh, and congratulations AGAIN. so awesome! what a milestone!

  2. i actually feel like summertime is so much easier, because i'm working out in the garden, taking girls on bike rides, going for walks, etc. i feel like it's so much easier to be active because it's easier to be OUTSIDE. therefore, i don't have to stress as much about my workouts. and, it's so lovely in the summer mornings for a run...and the sun is out so it's not hard to wake up.

    that is, if summer ever decides to visit us.

    but i hear you. my scale hasn't budged in over a month. and i'd really really like to lose 15 more pounds ASAP.

  3. Congrats! I am SO proud of you. You look great.

  4. You look great! That's awesome that your dress is too big- what a surprise!

  5. So proud of you! You look absolutely gorgeous! You've inspired me, I can't wait to get this little boy out of my uterus and get to work. :o)

  6. Congrats on fitting into your wedding dress! That is awesome.

  7. Thanks for all of the support. It's nice to have people encouraging me and joining me in the "race."

  8. That is SO awesome, I am so proud of you. You are doing AMAZING! I am also excited to try those stuffed red peppers, I have a ton from produce!

  9. You look soooo good! Go you!!!
