Friday, April 30, 2010

Whew! Things are moving again. . .

For the first time in three months the scale took an entire week to move.  I weigh in on Thursdays.  I actually get on the scale pretty much every day but I only record my weight loss on my ticker and on the calendar on Thursdays.  From last week to this the scale would not go down for the life of me.  So I decided I had better take a closer look at my calorie intake and again be more diligent and honest with myself about what I am putting into my body.  I have been doing that and finally today the scale moved again and I was down 1.6 pounds today.  What a relief!

I had a lot of doubt go through my mind as I watch the scale defy me to make a change. I will continue to change and as I do I know my body will become more healthy.  I am not destined to be where I am, just because I haven't been smaller than I am in a very long time.  I can overcome these challenges and I WILL!  To all of my friends who are working so hard to take their lives back-you can do it!  When there are days or weeks when it seems like your efforts are in vain-keep going!  We are in this together and WE CAN DO IT!

What kind of pep talks do you all give yourselves when the scale won't budge?


  1. You rock! I am sorry we missed you this week. I really would have loved to see you guys again, but it went by wAY to fast. I will call next time we come up!

  2. Hey - I was SHOULD post your before and after pics! They show the progress and tell a story....most importantly you are not that bigger girl anymore. You are looking so great and working so hard!

  3. Abby told me about your blog- and I'm sad that I didn't get to see you this last time down in Utah. I've heard that you look amazing- and I'm proud of you for the changes you're making to improve your life. I'll be joining you in the great race to lose weight and get healthier after I have Alex! One more month! :)

  4. @kristen I can't wait for you to join me! Thanks for coming by. . .good luck with that baby!
